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keyvis Curve ToolsAuthor: Eugen Sares
V1.4. A set of curve-related tools with the recent addition of a curve tool panel PPG. From the download page:

This addon adds the most needed Curve Operators to Softimage, bringing it to a level of flexibility comparable to 3ds max. It does not make Softimage an »industrial strength« Curve modeller, like e.g. Rhino, but in many scenarios you won't need another application for Curve editing any more. Tools included: Attach Curves: attach one or many Curve(Lists) to the first in the selection. Blend Subcurves: connect Subcurves with a Segment (bridge) between every selected Curve Boundary pair. Delete Subcurves: delete one or many Subcurves. Duplicate Subcurves: duplicate one or many Subcurves, with Translate x, y, z parameters. Extract All Subcurves: »explode« a CurveList - every Subcurve becomes a Curve object. Invert (Sub)Curves: change curve direction. Like the factory tool, but with Subcurve support. Log Curve Data: for debugging purposes. Logs (Sub)Curve details in a Script Editor. Points, Knot vector, degree, etc. Merge Subcurves: connect Subcurves by »welding« selected Boundary pairs (2 endpoints -> 1 midpoint). Offset (Sub)Curves: draw an outline around selected (Sub)Curves. Open/Close (Sub)Curves: like the factory tool, but with a few more options and with Subcurve support. Scissor Knots/Isopoints: cut Subcurve(s) in two or more pieces at selected Knots or Isopoints. Curve Tools Panel: Custom PPG containing all Curve Tools plus options for Isopoint selection: Intersections and Subdivisions. Curve trims and booleans can be realized with it (although maybe not as comfortable as in 3ds max).

After installation, all operators can be found under Model > Modify > Curve, except »Extract All Subcurves«, which is in Model > Create > Curve

Related plugins: Power Extrude, TinyCurveExtrude, MX Loft, Custom Loft, KP CurveTools, ICE Rope Rig

local backup: keyvisCurveTools v1.4.xsiaddon

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Joined: 10 Jan 2010, 12:40
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Re: CurveTools

Post by Eugen » 21 Mar 2012, 23:53

Hi guys,
happy to see people using my addon!
I know I'm really lazy with the tutorials, but you know, I actually consider most tools self-explanatory, so there's not much to show anyway.
In the CurveToolsPanel, the ?-buttons should get you started.

A word of warning: Softimage still has SDK drawbacks, which prevent scripters from doing a really clean job. Most of all, Clusters cannot be changed by a Custom Operator, only by factory Operators. Old story...
Related to this problem is the fact that the MoveComponentTool when applied on top of the CurveTools can mess up the Curves, because it does something with the Clusters that are input to the Ops. So before using it - FreezeM!!

On my ToDo: InsertKnot (with U-parameter), and with that in place, some day soon RoundCorners will get finished.

SI 2013 is at the door... maybe at last we see some progress again here...

Best regards,

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