emFluid and Fury in beautiful harmony...

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emFluid and Fury in beautiful harmony...

Post by jonmoore » 12 Nov 2016, 16:46

Eric Mootz kindly put together a bundle deal for me this week on his plugins and this morning I worked on a shot that used one of them (emFluid4) in tandem with Exocortex Fury. I'm big on point rendering and use Krakatoa within Softimage (hence me only just getting round to purchasing emRPC4) but nothing comes close to the speed of Fury (even if it is a tad unpredictable and kranky). It's so sad that Autodesk shafted talented folk like Eric and Exocortex's Ben Houston. Luckily Eric still updates his plugins and supports the community. Ben sadly stopped development on Fury (as well as his other plugins).

The thing is, even though the technology I used for the shot is over five years old, there's nothing on the market now that can match it. Eric has a wonderful setting in emFluid4 which provides an unlimited fluid box that's only limited by your systems RAM and Fury leaves Krakatoa (something known for it's speed) at the starting blocks. The shot involves advecting 14 million particles through an emFluid solver and the combined simulation and render time came in at under 15 seconds a frame. No need to pre-cache, which incidentally would have taken up a ton of HD space as each frame contains gigabytes of data.

Redshift say they're looking at point rendering at some point. But since they've moved to developing for a multitude of DCC's the pace of change on implementation has slowed considerably from the days when Redshift was a Softimage exclusive.

Anyway back to emFluid4 and Fury - Eric and Ben, I salute you; and long live XSI!

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